Saturday, February 27, 2010

Strange Bedfellows

I'm a true believer that watching story placement is as important as any other copyediting duty.

Say What?

Thanks to Whitney Elden for this one. Not only is 'customers' misspelled but what exactly is this headline saying? America is doing the recalling? And they're recalling the customers, not the Toyotas?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If you can't spell it, don't sell it

This spelling might work for The Mirage, but for Planet Hollywood?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Students for Lunch

This classic correction was shared by Eric Fettman on the wall of the Facebook group 'Newspaper Ledes That Have Nothing To Do With Their Stories.' I had to share it here.

"CORRECTION: In last week's article on the luncheon for foreign-exchange students, Mai-Tai Finn, one of the students honored, was inadvertently listed as an item on the menu."